“It’s not my choice”: Bruno Le Maire is not in favor of Livret A financing the French military industry

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– The Minister of Economy also congratulated the military programming law.

“Let’s think about savings product dedicated to defense», urged Bruno Le Maire, this Thursday 23 November on franceinfo. In the 2024 Finance Bill adopted at first reading, the amendment allows the use of Livret A and Sustainable Development Booklet (LDD) resources to finance companies in the French defense industry. The Minister of Economy, without discrediting the amendment, did not fail to point out that it is not a question “no (one’s) choice”whereas Livret A must to continue financing social housing.

“You know, I’m a simple boy. (…) Livret A is social housing for me and it must remain social housing. (…) I prefer it to be there savings account dedicated to national defense instead of Livret A deviating from its aim’supported by Bruno Le Maire.

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The Military Programming Act is a “Good Thing”

The idea of ​​funding defense thanks to Livret A is supported by Member of Parliament Christophe Plassard, who published a report last year suggesting that the French participate in the war effort in “the mobilization of the savings of the French for the benefit of the defense industry”. “Paid amounts Livret A a LDD they achieved some 510 billion euros at the end of 2022. It is the responsibility of the state to align available private savings with its strategic priorities.he pleaded in his message.

Also read:

Livret A holders: will your savings be used to finance the military industry?

Bruno Le Maire, who is not detached from the reality and the needs of France, emphasizes that the military programming law that Emmanuel Macron wanted is a good thing. “We need to give our armies the means to function properly and have good equipment. The Military Programming Act allows us to speed up our militaries. Especially in the face of a threat war in Ukraine.”

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