Metropole Le Mans inaugurated a photovoltaic solar power plant, which was located in one of the parking lots at the Marie-Marvingt Stadium. The project enabled the installation of 6,522 photovoltaic panels on roughly 16,800 square meters of space, which is equivalent to 900 parking spaces.

The photovoltaic installation was supplied by EDF ENR and will produce 3,900 MWh each year. According to the partners, this corresponds to 40% of the public lighting in the metropolis of Le Mans, i.e. the equivalent of the electricity consumption of 1,040 households.

Last September, the metropolis adopted its energy master plan, which in particular plans to produce an additional 113 GWh of photovoltaic solar energy to shade parking lots by 2030, which is the equivalent of 63,000 parking spaces. “From 2025, the production of photovoltaic solar devices will exceed 60 GWh/year,” said Stéphane le Foll, President of Le Mans Métropole in a press release, recalling that the goal is to achieve carbon neutrality in 2050.

As a reminder, all new outdoor car parks are required to go solar from July 2023. The same will apply to existing parks from July 2026, then from July 2028 depending on contract terms and car park sizes.

“Today, the installation of photovoltaic panels is a proven solution for the production of ecological electricity. Its rapid deployment makes it possible to respond to the cost control and carbon neutrality challenges of many communities and businesses,” rejoiced Benjamin Declas, Chairman and CEO of EDF ENR.

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