Real estate loan: the price increase is over, what can you negotiate in your region?

All credit brokers confirm this: rising rates are a thing of the past. “Scales received in a month tend to no longer move or only marginally”assures Cécile Roquelaure, director of studies for broker Empruntis, in a press release issued on December 20. “The National Bank has just cut its rates again (for the third time!) by 0.40 points and is now lending to the best profiles at 3.95% over 20 years!, agrees Sandrine Allonier, spokesperson for Vousfinancer. According to data from the Crédit Logement CSA observatory, loans over 15 years show rates of 4.12% in November, 4.26% for 20 years and 4.38% for 25 years.

However, these numbers hide differences depending on profiles… and regions. “Over 20 years, average rates have fallen by 7 basis points overall, with significant regional differences. So they are stable in 4 regions and falling in others, by 5 basis points in Bourgogne Franche-Comté and Nouvelle Aquitaine, by 10 basis points in Hauts-de-France, Ile-de-France, Normandy. or PACA and up to 15 in Center Val de Loire, Corsica or Grand Est”continues Cécile Roquelaure.

Such gaps are created by the banks’ commercial policy. Mutual banks such as Crédit Agricole or Crédit Mutuel can tip the scales themselves if they are dominant in a given territory. Brittany and Pays de la Loire are therefore the two regions where the rates are the most attractive – only 4% over 20 years. On the contrary, 4 regions stand out for more expensive financing: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Hauts-de-France, Occitanie and Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur. Average rates over 25 years average 4.55%.

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