Information about BBVA

Dear shareholders,

In 2022 we have lively and important returns in the geopolitical and economic environment, but also fortaleza BBVA and all our new French, esfuerzo and dedication of the team, together with our new ideas in strategic areas such as innovation and sustainability, our han increased has create in a profitable and sustainable manner and contribute to the economic and social growth of the communities we represent..

It has acquired more than 11 million new clients worldwide. Every year we grow more. The process for acquiring new customers has more than doubled over a five-year period. This huge progress is due to us being the pioneers and followers with the biggest decision on digitization. Hello, 55% of our new clients come to the bank through digital channels.

In addition, we are creative employees New technology and data available to our customers to improve their decisions and improve their financial health. Customers are always happier with our new service like NPS or Net Recommendation Index which has increased by 5 points in the last year where our branch leads the sector in our geographical locations.

We have served more than 70 million customers and contributed to our core business of providing credit to meet our personal, acquaintance and business needs; apoyar su la crecimiento económico, y al desarrollo de comunidades más prosperouss e inclusiveivas.

In 2022 we have increased the loan provided by 13%, which helps more than 100,000 families to buy a life, finances the growth of medium-sized PYMES and autonomous enterprises and more than 70,000 large small businesses, and also supports the creation of companies. Otherwise, moved more than 9 thousand euros in financing inclusive growth initiatives, including infrastructure, mortgage or social security. We have also provided microcredit to vulnerable entrepreneurs through programs such as Fundación Microfinanzas BBVA.

Ampliamos el impacto con nuestro Compromise with the Communitywhich we will announce in 2021 and which we expect to be destined together with our new foundations, 550 million euros for social initiatives by 2025. Since 2022, we have exceeded 230 million euros, which is 43% of the total, allowing us to benefit from more than 62 million people.

In addition to all these logos and positive impacts on the communities in which we started our activity, our strategic strategy is generated as well as good financial results: we obtained the beneficio attributido de Last year it was 6,420 million euros, driven mainly by Mexico, the country contributed the most to the result. It is also important to note that Spain has recovered to 2010 levels, thanks to the normalization of types and increased activity during the downturn years, as well as improvements in efficiency and credit quality.

Hemos seguito creando valor para nuestros shareholders. The profitability of ROTE tangible assets is at the level of 15.3% and the increase in net tangible assets due to increased dividends increased to 20% for the year.

Los buenos resultsados ​​​​​​​​​​​del año our permiten keep more than 3,000 million if the result is less than 800,000 shareholders, the mayor of the little people who hate them. We proposed to the Board of Directors a redistribution of an effective dividend of 31 euro cents per share, on top of the 12 cents paid in October, and the cancellation of a new 422 million euro share award program.

Thanks to these results, we can also return to negotiationsto expand our customer base, reach more people and negotiate, improve services, expand credit and support decarbonisation.

At BBVA, we agreed that the opportunities we offer are very timely, with the weight of returns continuing to 2023. The continuation of the context of uncertainty both from a geopolitical point of view as a result of the invasion of Ukraine, and from a financial point of view, due to inflation and second-round effects that may lead to further incidents of this type. At the same time, the recent data, the more positive hope, must think that the prospects and growth will improve in 2023, knowing that some uncertainties are disappearing, with the growth in practice of all the countries in which they are present.

Big trends like innovation and sustainability will immediately change the economy and our societies. Therefore, BBVA’s forward-looking vision and our strategic priorities represent an important competitive opportunity.

Innovation are a key factor in BBVA’s profitable growth strategy. Example ello es la A company available for digital banking solutions to create new and attractive markets, as digital neobancos. In the final of 2021, we launched BBVA Italia, which reached 160,000 customers, beyond initial expectations. In 2022, we also plan to create BBVA Spark, which offers a full range of financial services to support innovative businesses that define the future of its different stages of growth. Likewise, inversion to the background of “venture capital”, we want to know how to start new technologies and trigger future negotiations.

The misma will be that at BBVA hemos sido lidesos in aprovechar a great transformation that promotes digitization and innovation, tenemos ante nosotros or a huge opportunity, durability, the other side of our strategy.

As he noted on previous occasions, the decarbonization of the economy presupposes a major disruption of history, not only in the magnitude of the return, which requires a colossal inversion until 2050, if not an emergency for acometerlo.

A huge return that promotes changes in the practice of all our habits and behaviors and affects all businesses and industries that will be profoundly transformed by this process.

That’s why, at BBVA, we take the time to convey this feeling. As one of the founders of the Net Zero Banking Alliance Assuming a trade-off between neutrality and carbon emissions in 2050. We’ve had some in-house and aspiring broadcasters over the years, but we also have many new and established customers.

Our priority is to help our customers transition to decarbonisationapoyándoles with advice and financing.

Sustainability was reflected in the negotiations and is a key pillar of growth for the Group. In 2022, we will channel 50,000 million euros of sustainable financing. This new negotiation started quickly and we have tripled the original object of sustainable financing up to €300,000 million between 2018 and 2025. That’s all we got a year later, and leader of banking in Europe in the sustainability ranking of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index.

Finally, it is a big year for BBVA, which has enabled us to make definitive progress on our strategy and we are almost certain to meet the 2024 targets we announced at Investor Day.

Sin duda, todo esto ha sido posible gracias a las personas que forman de parte de BBVA, a to professional, su esfuerzo, su dedication, y su compromise con nuestros valores: el Cliente es lo primero, Pensamos en grande y We are a solo team.

Please ask for special recognition from the team that has been affected by the effects of motorcycles in Turkey and also from those who have contributed to this terrible situation.

To finish, no one wants to lose anything, once again, during this year one has confidence. With this in mind, we will continue to support families and negotiations in 2023, supporting growth to create a more sustainable and inclusive society..

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