World app. Some adoptions are more chilling than truly heartwarming. This is especially the case Worldcoin Project (WLD)whose development goal is based on the purchase of its users for the purpose collect their biometric data. And as always, when a few dollars are pledged, success is guaranteed. Evidence of this is that its native World App portfolio is now coming together more than 10 million followers.
Worl App: Worldcoin compatible wallet
Despite numerous government warnings and bans the Worldcoin project continues to build a plan. It must be said that Sam Altman’s project – also responsible for the appearance of ChatGPT – knows how to grab the attention of users looking for free money.
Because it’s all of a sudden paid retinal scan that Worldcoin has built a base of loyalists who are committed to making their investments grow. And to achieve this, wallet World App was created just a year ago by Tool for Humanity’s World (TFH).
“The World App self-hosted wallet was designed by Tool for Humanity’s World (TFH) to focus on several key features of Worldcoin and Ethereum. The goal is to provide something simple, familiar and intuitive, instead of getting lost in supporting all possible crypto tokens and features. »
and again, Success seems to exist. But that may just be a result of massive overselling of WLD token distributions to reward the fact pass on some of their genetic heritage to pasture. In any case, the question deserves to be asked.
10 million users worldwide
Regardless, Worldcoin Foundation blockchain manager Remco Bloemen sees the app as a success “very encouraging” sign, as it provides an efficient gateway to the protocol. »
This World App portfolio now truly includes more than 10 million users…of which only 2 million are active daily. It also displays more than 70 million transactions total since its deployment. With effective availability in more than 160 countries.

“We hope this will encourage other contributors to develop additional wallets for the protocol, as different users have different preferences and needs for their wallet applications. (…) In other words, the Worldcoin community has expressed interest in alternatives to the World App, so that a wider range of people can work with Worldcoin as they wish. »
Remco Bloemen
The Worldcoin project continues its development, against opposition and warnings from all sides against him. Especially with the launch of two new features, the main one enabling permanently erasing his iris code in order to enable its users to control their personal data. The least that can be done for a delivery based project a digital proof of humanity passport in the age of AI.