The PSOE and the request come in Rey’s speech to approve his offending positions

Tan traditional as the speech of King Philip VI. to the Spaniards at Nochebuena, where his reaction of the parties to his palabras, disappears both in valorization and interpretation. While the PSOE destacaba este lunes que el discourse del Monarca supone a response expresso a la agenda del Gobierno en temas como el el empleo, la sanidad, la educación o la violencia machista, PP y Vox aprovechaban las Constitafeción las numerosa del Constitafe — it was mentioned it on 12 occasions, more than a minute ago — to show how it was supported by his frontal opposition to the amnesty law, given that Felipe VI. never heard The ambiguity of some words allows for further reading.

However, the PSOE and the derecha parties agreed to applaud the speeches of the monarch of their different analyses, Sumar, socio de gobierno, and other parties who spoke at the Congress of President Pedro Sánchez, no doubt criticized. the intervention of the Jefe del Estado, which according to Yolanda Díaz’s coalition qualifies as “disappointment”, among other things to avoid “social derech and communal life”, or not to mention the war in the Gaza Strip and its consequences in the Palestinian population, según Podemos. Independent Catalanas, por su parte, critics and Felipe VI, given that it is installed and discussed the pronunciation in the referendum illegal in 2017. presidentFather Aragonès, in an act of domestic production of one of his ancestors in the Generalitat, Francesca Macià, in the Montjuïc cemetery.

Socialists were the best to appreciate Rey’s discourse. In a well-funded intervention before 1:30 p.m. this month, party president Cristina Narbona noted that the statement that Felipe VI had. at the end of his speech, had “economic and social difficulties”, the employee, health , educación, the price of basic services, “unacceptable violence against women” or the approach of young people to life, the Socialists considered a clear response to the social agenda of the Gobierno de coalition, on whose weight child del Estado only los enumeró to ensure that derechos ligados a estos “his los que la Constitución ampara, guarizaza y protege”. We are also assured that the PSOE compares the monarch’s continued references in his speech to the Constitution “as a sign of preserving and maintaining coexistence and starting the rumbo hacia una modern democracy”, and it is clear that the text preserves the “unity” of Spain, as it “integrates the diversity of languages, cultures and institutions”.

Felipe VI, at the moment of the Nochebuena discourse.Photo: Ballesteros | Video: EPV

Very different if the interpretation is different from the parties of the derecho. The leader of the popular ones, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, was one of the first to announce to the public on his Red Social profile that, in his opinion, the supónian has las palabras del Rey sus reiteradas kriticas a la ley de amnistía, al. assure that the jefe del Estado “ha defendedido la vigencia de la Constitución como unico guante de la convivencia y de un futuro con certidumbre para allos . Fuera del respect a la Constitución y las institutions no hay ley sino arbitrariedad”.

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Cuca Gamarra, General Secretary of the PP, is pictured here in a picture distributed by the party.

On similar dates, there was a demonstration between the domino and the months of autonomy presidents who ruled the PP. Secretary General Cuca Gamarra made a video insisting on interpreting the testimony that the monarch has a basic law as confirmation of his party’s offense against the amnesty. “El Rey signaled, acertadamente, que fuera de la Constitución no hay convivencia en paz, no hay libertad y no hay estabilidade”, he highlighted.

Vox reproduced verbatim in the party’s official cuenta one of the last, which appeared in the monarch’s speech accompanied by emoticons of applause. The news was published by its leader, Santiago Abascal. The extreme sectors of the past week intend to pressure the state players to leave their arbitration office and join the political battle. In the concentrations proposed by Vox in front of the PSOE federal government in Madrid on Calle de Ferraz, she was protected from protesters who were angry with the monarchy. “Felipe, Mason, defend the nation!” o “los Borbones, a los tiburones” han estado entre los lemas más coreados.

Conversely, izquierda formations and nationalists are very critical of Felipe VI’s speeches. Marta Lois, president of Sumar’s parliament in Congress, expressed the view of “extrema derecha contra la democracy”. The party leader, led by Vice President Yolanda Díaz, lamented that Rey would give a “resignation speech from the real country.” “Felipe VI has chosen not to talk about social rights and the preoccupations of citizenship”, he added in his message. This month, in statements to the media, he has mismas incidido in mind, in addition to the challenge that Rey does not mention the conflict in Gaza: “Era el momento para demandi alto alto al fuego y que se repete el derecho international”.

The voice of Sumar in Congress, Marta Lois, opinaba in the speech of Rey, is a month in Ourense.Photo: EFE/Jorge Piñeiro | Video: EFE

It also lasted with the talks of Felipe VI. alongside Ione Belarra, ex-minister and general secretary of Podemos. Belarra, who went through mixed group training with four other graduates due to irregularities with Sumar, ha incident also en que el Rey no hiciera “una sola mención al genocidio en Palestina” and ha calificado sus palabras as “intentos desesperados de lograr la simpatia de la derecha que hace unas semanas le insultaba”. “Cada vez más convencida que la monarchy se ha quedado definitively atrás y que Felipe VI va ser el ultimo (rey español)”.

The General Secretary of the Council, Jordi Turull, was transferred to Juicio al court and subsequently indulged in Gobiern, assured that it was Rey who had instigated the split, and “relinquished” his refereeing office. “This is the act of the party, the part that is influenced by the regime. Always move, actua himself when it’s in riesgo co atado and well atado,” says the former consejero of the Generalitat during the acto in memoria Macià. Aragonès, por su parte, cree que Felipe VI no se havido de su discurso posterior al 1-O. Secessionists have always believed that Rey’s intervention justified police charges and “repression”.

Laura Borràs and Jordi Turull, this month, meet the tomb of Francesca Macià in the cemetery of Montjuïc de Barcelona.LORENA SOPENA (Europa Press)

Of the rest of the nationalist training courses, they are also critical of real discourse. The spokesperson of the PNV in the Congress, Aitor Esteban, has recriminado al jefe del Estado que hubiera centraldo sus palabras en PP, PSOE y Vox, y obviado las “discrepancias constitucionales” en Euskadi y Cataluña. “In e court catalán y en todas las circunstancias que han meridado la situación en Cataluña, la Constitución no ha estrado ni flexibility ni saber dar los instrumentos necesarios para resolverlo de manera política”, he added.

Transport PNV in Congress, Aitor Esteban, during a trip to the prensa in Bilbao this month.Javier Zorrilla (EFE)

Néstor Rego, representative of the BNG in Congress, considers Rey’s palabras as apoyo of these “most reactive sectors and immovilistas of the state”. Rego, in line with the critic Sumaro, also lamented the lack of social references in the discourse: “Felipe de Borbón does not intend to empathize with the problems of the main part of society”. EH Bildu announced hace días que no only alorar el discurso y, de hecho, había hecho días atrás a llamamiento a “boycotearlo” apagando las Televisiones y las emisoras de radio queando se emitiera.

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