The President of Colombia proposes hacer cambios a reforma tributaria para bajar impuestos a empresas

BOGOTÁ, Dec 29 (Reuters) – Colombian President Gustavo Petro suggests future achievements adapted to the reforma tributario approved by Congress and which came into force this year, with a proposal to reduce fees for businesses for which Sean more Competitive and gradual changes for the elderly.

The commissioner says that propuesta does not cause much delay in impuestos.

The tributary reform approved by the legislative project included an additional revenue of 20 billion pesos (5,232 million current dollars) during 2023 and additional revenues in subsequent years.

However, the confirmation is affected by the decision of the Constitutional Court, which removes a part of the law that prohibits companies engaged in the mining industry from deriving the profits flowing to Gobierno from the taxable base of the rental tax.

“Call the employer to discuss the possibility of reforming the tributary reform, believe that it is time to see its impact on what was approved by Congress and that it will be accepted and published by production,” Petro said in a statement. periodicals..

“Increasing the productive activity of the country (reform) requires a review, it is likely that with the entrepreneur, with the employees, if they are successful, we will force the company and it is involved without desfinanciar el estado and without thinking of the main honors At the bottom of the corporate income tax you decide, that heathen societies are subject to the income of natural persons in higher degrees and higher”, aggregated.

In November, Petro announced that the Constitutional Court would restore its assets to 6.5 billion pesos ($1.7 billion) in 2024.

In addition, Petro needs to create inflows for the tourism and clean energy sectors.

(1 dollar = 3,822.05 pesos)

(Reporting by Nelson Bocanegra)

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