Kasbar Minister for Housing: what challenges?

Guillaume Kasbarian, appointed delegate of the Minister for Housing, was charged on February 8 with the main mission: to restore the sector in crisis. At the RTL microphone on Monday, he set the tone with his first announcements. So, what should you expect?

It is an understatement to say that the announcement of his appointment created a stir among the political class and in the community. It must be said that at almost 37 years old, the Renaissance MP for Eure-et-Loir has developed a reputation that is divisive to say the least.

His main initiative on the subject of housing dates back to last year. It was he who introduced the anti-squat law in June 2023. The aim of the measure: to protect owners from squatters and unpaid rent by increasing the resulting penalties and, in particular, by supporting accelerated administrative evictions.

This caused outrage from solidarity associations. Regarding his appointment last week, the General Delegate of the Abbé Pierre Foundation, Christophe Robert, told AFP:hopefully the new minister will be more sensitive to the plight of the poorly housed and the difficulties faced by our fellow citizens in the area of ​​poor housing than he was when he introduced the law which caused so much damage“.

Other voices from the left of the political spectrum – especially on LFI – spoke out against the appointment of this “proclaimed liberal”, as some media presented him.

Supply shock and simplification of standards

Guillaume Kasbarian takes over from two former Socialists (Patrice Vergriete and Olivier Klein) at the Ministry of Housing. A change of pace that is not to everyone’s liking, but which is part of the continuity of the policy announced by Gabriel Attal during his speech at the Diet on January 30.

His words were echoed by the new housing minister, who told RTL on Monday that he also wants a “supply shock” to unblock the rent supply and the new construction sector.

In the coming weeks and months, we’ll be working to make things as simple as possible.“, he declared. “Bid shock starts today“. The will is there, the road plan is still missing. Because in this particular industry it often takes years for the effects of simplification to become apparent.

The already announced simplification measures include, for example, DPE. The Minister for Ecological Transformation, Christophe Béchu, has indicated that he wants to exclude housing with an area of ​​less than 40 m² from the category of energy networks (properties classified as F or G). There are no fewer than 140,000 of them. As a reminder, from 2025 housing marked G will be forbidden to rent. A decision that echoes them design by Bruno Le Maire last September

“Restore Owners’ Confidence”

It seems that in the crisis that is currently affecting the housing sector, Guillaume Kasbarian wants to stand by the owners. On the topic of vacant apartments (France had 3 million in 2023, which according to INSEE is an increase of +60% compared to the 90s), the new minister says “rather favorable to the incentive” to encourage owners to put their homes back on the market.

Today you have a certain number of owners who no longer want to rent”, he pointed to the RTL microphone. The reason according to him? “Lots of complexity“, “difficulties“A”sometimes rent arrears“as”profitability is sometimes lower than other types of investments“. “If I put myself in the owner’s shoes for two seconds, I understand that some people say that they are giving up the lease and prefer to leave their accommodation empty..”

His strategy? Make owner”it can be said that it is simple renta little more profitable“with”less trouble in case of unpaid debts“. “An assured owner means more offers for tenants”.

This is not the first time Guillaume Kasbarian has campaigned for regulations that are more incentive-friendly than punitive to owners. In June 2019, he managed to approve two of his amendments that limit the scope of the Energy and Climate Act. This consisted in deducting up to 5% of the proceeds from the sale of a poorly insulated property in order to finance the renovation of the same property.

A measure he criticized and suggested was “associated with property rights” and condemn “hidden tax“who risked creating”territorial and social inequalities“.

The one who was then a member of the economic committee proposed against the government council to make this law a simple two-year experiment in tense areas and postpone the start of the experiment to January 1, 2021.

What about the terms of access to credit?

If there’s one topic that remains under the government’s watch, it’s France’s approach to property. Indeed, if Gabriel Attal, like Guillaume Kasbarian, talked about “simplification” and rental offers, he remains silent on the subject of buying his own house. interest rates as well as the standards set by the High Financial Stability Board. However, many players in the sector – including Pretto – have been calling for the latter to be simplified for months to really free up the sector and revive the market.
We are surprised and regret that the Prime Minister did not identify the cancellation High Financial Stability Board (HCSF) standards as an excellent way to unblock and de-bureaucratize access to housing“, recalled Pierre Chapon at the end of Gabriel Attal’s speech on general politics.

However, quite a card can be played here. All you have to do is grab it.

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