GUEST RTL – Real estate: towards easing the debt ceiling to 35%?

The real estate market is in crisis. Getting a loan to buy a home is getting more and more complicated. Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire suggests several ways to restart the machine, such as break the 35% debt rate lock. “I hope it goes that far,” Maël Bernier, spokesperson for, responds to RTL. “Today we see that it is the famous 35% maximum debt rule, which blocks every second loan“, she says.

“You have French people who have incomes, some of them a little more comfortable than average, and who, despite everything, are blocked by this 35% debt or even the youngest because they have no contributions or very little savings. It is not a question of over-indebting everyone, but it is a return to something more reasonable“, adds Maël Bernier. Bruno Le Maire would also propose extending the duration of the loan to “25 years plus two, i.e. 27 years for purchases in old buildings, but subject to working conditions. You can feel the gas station coming here. These are very complicated things,” he comments.

“The only obstacle today is that the banks are under supervision. They are not allowed to exceed 35% debt. If the banks take the minister at his word, we will laugh.” finance because it would be dangerous for them. They don’t have the means. But the French, who are today between 35 and 39% indebted in Meilleurtaux, that’s 30% of the files“, adds Maël Bernier.

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