Exotic and family vacations: Catherine Zeta-Jones compares photos from her trip to India with Michael Douglas and her friends

One of the posts Michael Douglas shared on his Instagram account: in India with Catherine Zeta-Jones and his son Dylan

Risas, poses divertidas, selfie en famille and algunas scenes worthy Indiana Jones: Through a fun post on her Instagram account, Catherine Zeta-Jones compares some of her recent vacations with Michael Douglas and her friends: Dylan, 23, and Carys, 20, in India. Lejos de los vestidos y las joyas, de las poses sans aliento y las rules de Hollywood, la pareja de players no solo dejó ver la intimidationad de nos vacaciones, sino que, además, mostró quiánto crecieron sus herederos.

The first thing that happened at the event The Legend of Zorro This is a video of a typical Indian boat in Kerala. Luego, aggregó una postal de la el interior de uno de esos boats, sober el agua. In the following picture you can see Indian women wearing their typical clothes. She in the cambio has palazzo pants, a black shirt and a white panama sombrero. “Nochebuena en India con estas hermosas señoritas”, written and accompanied by a heart message.

In a new video, Zeta-Jones showed how the elephant lay “bendijo”: when it attacked, the animal scrunched its head with its trump card and turned into a respectful gesture. We immediately compare the photo of the late, in a dry landscape, taking pictures of the ruins. “An audition for the next movie.” Indiana Jones. When it was reported, ¿sabés?”, bromeó has postage.

The last part of the Hollywood star is the journey of the back selfie introduces and image of her language teaching. In the photo, you can see the greats that are Dylan and Carys, performing fun for recuerdo. También Douglas, each member of the family struck a striking pose to capture the big moment. “Tonterías del palito de selfie”, he described the event emoticons from risas.

Douglas’ Instagram post also features various items collected from the trip. The actor preferred to compare more classic travel pictures: photos of more traditional and tourist attractions with a family in a classic style. “Te amamos, India”, written, maravillado with landscapes and places sagrados land of Asia sur.

Douglas, Zeta-Jones and Dylan at the door of an Indian temple

In November, Zeta-Jones and Douglas celebrated 23 years of homes and celebrations with a crucifixion. “Celebrating 23 years of marriage, querido Michael. You are hoping for a Nobel Prize from La Paz. I love… sharing your hope, Medal of Honor winner with gold stars,” he captioned the story on Nov. 18 on his Instagram account. The text will accompany you with various heart emoticons, yours and yours. Also, the main character Without reservations Five selected photos: One of them was taken on the day of your family, another blessing from the hand of the church, and many retro photos from the personal album of the couple in which she was born.

“Felice, 23 years old, has a crush on Catherine Zeta-Jones! No hope for 24! Happy birthday,” wrote Michael Douglas in the red social network and on the photo that was chosen for his greeting to the couple on his family day. “Te amo cariño, que nuestro baile nunca termina,” she replied.

Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas are very popular in public – Credits: @Scott Garfitt

Father Douglas met Zeta-Jones in 1999. In August 2000, the couple welcomed a boy, Dylan Michael. Very soon we celebrated our love at the Hotel Plaza de New York. Go on a beautiful honeymoon, stay with the baby in your newborn apartment. In 2002, the family moved to one of the properties that Douglas settled in the Bahamas. El 2003 is a full list of good news: Zeta-Jones from his contribution in the musical Chicago, He has a better performance this time with Oscar. One of my daughters, Carys Zeta Douglas, was her husband. Let’s say we’re happy.

Sin embargo, problems appeared after a few years when we decided to move to New York in 2009. In August 2010, Douglas was diagnosed with advanced cancer. “We intend to maintain as much privacy as possible, but we hope that it is very difficult,” Zeta-Jones said in 2016. A few years later, the actor declared that he did not have cancer. After reading s estres of aquellos duros meses in early April, Zeta-Jones entered a Los Angeles hospital to cure his secret transmission of bipolar disorder. A few years later, in April 2013, Actriz took over as a professional coach. After we heard it, we didn’t hear anything accepted, although we didn’t hear it publicly.

After a while, Catherine Zeta-Jones celebrated her graduation with photos that became a stimulus when it happened – Credits: @@catherinezetajones

In 2013, the marriage ended in separation, but they reconciled in the finale of the same year. “Estoy loco por ella.” Believe that all couples hold their difficult moments. The only problem is that we are in the public eye and tend to be exposed a bit more than the mayor. But this is a look, more fear than anything,” says Douglas The Ellen DeGeneres Show in 2015. After this point, they will not separate again.

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