Energy renovation work: save money with these devices

Rarely have investors had access to so much support for energy renovation. MaPrimeRenov’, energy saving certificates, 5.5% VAT, eco-loan with zero rate, etc. However, the amount of certain support, such as MaPrimeRenov’, depends on the income of the applicants. Very frugal households (blue MaPrimeRenov) thus have out-of-pocket costs that can drop above 10% when the middle class (MaPrimeRenov’ Purple) or the rich class (MaPrimeRenov’ Rose) reaches the maximum 40% and 60%. Relatively high levels that may deter certain investors who up to 15 thousand. to energy grids to be renovated.

However, remember that it is possible to combine all measures related to energy renovation with additional support related to rental investment. A solution that allows middle and rich households to reduce labor costs. 3 most common on-demand devices.

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Energy renovation: losers and winners of the MaPrimeRénov reform in 2024

Old Pinel: exemption from tax in big cities

With the help of old Pinel, you can invest in housing with work for which the total amount of work is equal 25% of the total cost of the operation. Subsequently, you will receive a tax deduction depending on the length of the rental of the property, calculated from the maximum operating costs (including labor) within the limit in the amount of 300,000 euros. in 2024 tax deductions are:

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9% for a 6-year lease

– 12% for a 9-year lease

– 14% for a 12-year lease

In sum, it can represent the maximum amount of tax reduction up to 42,000 euros over 12 years. Enough to contribute to the financing of energy renovation works in housing that must be located in a tight area, i.e. in the most dynamic cities in the country in terms of the rental market (Toulouse, Bordeaux, Rennes, etc.). Remember that the accommodation must be let at a limited rent after the work is completed.

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Loc’Avantages: take advantage of renovation assistance

Eligible almost everywhere in France, the system allows you to get tax reduction of 15% to 65% under the condition of setting a reduced rent of 15% to 45%. Accommodation is the subject of an agreement with Anah and must be rented for a fixed period 6 years minimum. However, for properties classified as F and G, Anah offers financing for part of the energy renovation work. If the project enables energy savings at least by 35% by insulating the walls, attic, windows and changing the heating or hot water system, you will receive a subsidy that can go up to 15,000 euros.

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>> Our service – Energy renovation: calculate the amount of your support (MaPrimeRénov’, CEE, etc.) and find the right craftsman for your job

Denormandie: tax savings in medium-sized cities

Unlike the old Pinel, the Denormandie system is only eligible in municipalities subject to the Territorial Revitalization Operation (ORT). This is the case, for example, of the metropolis of Brest or the municipalities of the Action Cœur de Ville system. Mid-sized cities where the market is recovering and prices are low. Another advantage compared to the old Pinel system: tax exemption rates are higher. After work, you will use the tax discount calculated from the total amount of the operation within the limit 300,000 euros, works including:

– 12% for a 6-year lease

– 18% for a 9-year lease

– 21% for a 12-year lease

These tax savings that can be achieved up to 63,000 euros over 12 years, will help you finance the necessary energy renovation work. Please note that in order to use the system you need to carry out work on the property for the corresponding amount at least 25% purchase prices. Among the eligible works we find the works improving the energy efficiency of housing by 20% at least for apartments. Remember that the accommodation must be let at a limited rent after the work is completed.

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